The Physio Crew, Weston

Joshua Bell

The Physio Crew, Weston

Team captain: Joshua Bell


The Physio Crew, Weston are fundraising for 2 Defibrillator Cabinets, to enable 2 current defibrillators that are along the Boulevard, Weston-super-Mare that are currently inside business buildings. 

The Physio Crew, Weston Lead, Milan is working closely with the Donate For Defib Weston-super-Mare Project Team to enable this to be a success and to raise as much awareness as possible to enable defibrillators to be 24/7 Publicly Accessible within our local community!

A collection bucket is located within the clinic and if you would like to donate online, please feel free to do so. Milan is a well-skilled physio and is offering his high-top facilities to be used in sessions by members of the public for donation-led consultations, treatments, and assessments to enable this to be a success. 

More information can be found via the Official Website:

Facebook Page:

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The Physio Crew, Weston are fundraising for 2 Defibrillator Cabinets, to enable 2 current defibrillators that are along the Boulevard, Weston-super-Mare that are currently inside business buildings. 

The Physio Crew, Weston Lead, Milan is working closely with the Donate For Defib Weston-super-Mare Project Team to enable this to be a success and to raise as much awareness as possible to enable defibrillators to be 24/7 Publicly Accessible within our local community!

A collection bucket is located within the clinic and if you would like to donate online, please feel free to do so. Milan is a well-skilled physio and is offering his high-top facilities to be used in sessions by members of the public for donation-led consultations, treatments, and assessments to enable this to be a success. 

More information can be found via the Official Website:

Facebook Page:

Thank you for your support!

Joshua Bell is fundraising towards