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Henbury Golf Club | 2022 Fundraising Page
In 2022, Henbury Golf Club is once again supporting the essential work of the Great Western Air Ambulance Charity. Throughout the partnership, we're hoping to raise some much needed funds and awareness for this lifesaving community asset, which brings hospital Emergency Department care to people in desperate need.
This page will be used to keep track of all our donations as well as communicating the events we've got planned and how you and your friends can get invovled!
The best bit? You can create your own 'sub-page(s)' by clicking 'fundraise for us' on this main page...
- you can then email to your friends/family/collegues who can then,
- easily donate to you page by card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Paypal, etc
- This then feeds into Henbury's main total and shows a leaderboard of top fundraisers (see below image)
As part of Paul's 2022 Captain's Charity partnership, Henbury Golf Club are supporting the incredible work of the Great Western Air Ambulance Charity and will, as a result, be helping to save lives across Bristol, B&NES, South Gloucestershire, North Somerset, and Gloucestershire.
You are all now part of a team that ensures the most sick and injured people in our shared community receive the best possible chance on their worst day; as a result of the skill and equipment this specialist team bring to the scene, there's a good chance it won't be their last day.
So, let's raise some funds for GWAAC...let's do it for Jasmine (link), let's do it for Vicky (link), and for Dylan:
What Our Support Will Fund
Our support will make a huge difference. The following is an idea of what our support will help to purchase
How We Can Raise Some Money for GWAAC!
There are lots of ways to fundraise - whether you have five minutes to spare or endless days available to plan, and whether you’re going solo, fundraising with friends or fundraising in the community.
From organising a virtual quiz to holding a bake sale, or arranging a charity dinner dance to taking part in a sponsored silence, there are many ways you can get involved to help raise money to save local lives.
Our new fundraising guide has everything you need to get your fundraising off to a flying start. It’s packed full of handy tips and ideas to help your fundraising become a huge success! And better still, we're on hand to help you every step of the way - so if you have any questions, get in touch with one of our Community Coordinators using the contact details below.
Events Calendar
- March 2022 - Guess Where the Helicopter Will Land Sweepstake! link. £2.00 entry, win a trip to the airbase in Almondsbury!
- 3rd April 2022 - Mudmaster 5km, 10km, or 20km tough-mudder-esque race near Weston Super Mare
- sign up here - https://greatwesternairambulance.com/calendar/mud-master-2021/
- Don't forget to mention you're with Henbury GC!
- 28th April 2022 - Yeo Valley Lions Golf Day at Tall Pines Golf Course.
- 7th May 2022 - Skydive for GWAAC at Honiton!
- https://greatwesternairambulance.com/calendar/skydive-for-gwaac/2022-05-07/
- Don't forget to mention you're with Henbury GC!
- 10th Junem 2022 - Paul's captain's day!
- 17th June 2022 - Three Peaks Challenge! Whether you want to do this on your own or with friends/colleagues, contact [email protected] to find out more on this unqiue and incredibly tough challenge!
- 19th August 2022 - Three Peaks Challenge! Same as above
- 28th August 2022 - Severn Bridge 10km and Half Marathon
- https://greatwesternairambulance.com/calendar/severn-bridge-10k-and-half-marathon/
- Contact [email protected] to register your interest
- 25th September 2022 - Bristol 10km and Half Marathon
- https://greatwesternairambulance.com/calendar/great_bristol_run_22/
- Contact [email protected] to register your interest
- More to come...
Nothing you like? Get in touch with the charity representative, Joe Hughes, and find out other ways to get involved