Rock Choir Flash Mob Challenge

Rock Choir Flash Mob Challenge


Raised so far

  • About

On Saturday 29 June, Rock Choir singers from across the South West will be taking part in a series of “flash mob” style performances to highlight the work of Great Western Air Ambulance Charity (GWAAC). They will be attempting to perform 5 times in one day, an epic challenge with all the logistics let alone keeping the vocals going!

The 300-strong Choir will be popping up at busy shopping areas across GWAAC’s region, entertaining shoppers and collecting for the charity.

Rock Choir is a contemporary amateur choir based on singing, friendship and having fun. Anyone is welcome and you can find out more about your local Rock Choir at


Rock Choir is proud to support our local air ambulance charity. We are all part of a team that ensures the most sick and injured people in our shared community receive the best possible chance on their worst day: GWAAC's Specialist Paramedics and Critical Care Doctors perform hospital Emergency Department care, but at the roadside, in your home, at the workplace. By getting this specialist team to the patient – fast – they save lives that would otherwise be lost.

Our local air ambulance charity are in the unenviable position of being both busier than ever but at the same time facing the same kind of cost increases that we are all seeing. As a charity, with no day to day Government funding and no National Lottery support, it is down to our community to ensure that this incredible team can continue to be there for people in desperate need. 

That's people like Niky, and her four year old daughter, Jasmine. Your support makes all of this possible: